20 January 2010

"Why do we read literature?"

So here’s
where we stand
at this point
in the story --

Protagonist makes bold claims,
draws resentment from Zeus.
Scene is interrupted by the squealing of tires
(on wet asphalt).

William Shakespeare enters.
Delivers love sonnet written
years ago, smiles,
Exits, pursued by bear.

The Chorus sings of broken embraces,
wrath of the
(lower-cased) gods.
Hubris. Umbrage. Defiance.

Tragic Soliloquy.
Catharsis brings under-
standing. Redemption,
ransformation. Humility.

The Heroine
is reborn -- from watery grave.
Protagonist stands
unharmed in the

Mist, his hands
red with the blood
of forty thousand brothers.

1 comment:

  1. I had to read through this a few times, it's beautiful.
